23 May 2007

Today I'm gonna go Thailand! Bangkok here I come!

This is a week to enjoy as last week is arguably one of the worst week of my life.
- Campaigning is really shitty. Spend alot of effort thinking, but nothing's produced in the end.
- Wednesday, Saints Rugby lost!! We defeated RJC last year in the finals but this year we had no chance at all. That no.14 from Raffles, John Wisnioski, was just too good for us! He even appeared in New Paper today! Little did I know that he was Singapore and USA's national player. WHOA.
- Friday was elections day. I took one whole day preparing for the speech, but what I said was totally different from what I prepared the day before! Honestly the speech s*** balls, and I knew my chance to be in council is long gone. Because of all these, I did not study for the maths test, and that's one more FAIL for me.
- SA Soccerboys also lost! To MJ on penalties! It's really sad, everyone just cried and watched helplessly. It's okay boys, you all fought hard. The winner is not always determined on the pitch, but on the HEART. Brush up your heart that wants to be strong!
-On Saturday, I LOST MY GODDAMN WALLET. Argh, first time ever =.= I'm so pissed. Everything's inside gone! My Rupiahs, my Ez-link card, my ring, my rosary, and my photos!
-I fell sick on Sunday. THIS, wraps my miserable week.

Things to look out this coming holiday:
- Pirates of the Carribean 3!
- Back to Indo! I miss everyone!
- And many more!

OH, denger2 kris abis SMP mau lanjutin JC di Singapore! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA news of the week man. Gio bilang kris udah bayar untuk ambil O'Level di Indo. Wah moga2 dia dapet nilai bagus deh. Beasiswa ke SAJC :D. No Nanyang please damnit. Harus doain nih (:

Okay guys, see you in a week's time : )

13 May 2007

Finally a new post after a few weeks of absence =.=

Been too busy to update, these days I reached home at around 8-10pm. And once I stepped into my room, it's always RELAX MSN SLEEP. Same routine every damn day. For once I was keeping up with my studies, and now I'm starting to fall behind again. Buck up Ferdy!

Oh yeah, SAJC Chinese Orchestra and Choir got silver for SYF. And of course, GOLD-WITH-HONOURS for our band! :D Congratulations to all of them and hopefully we can reap better results in 2009!

Yesterday I played snooker&pool with Zhua for like 6 hours? Totally obsessed le. There goes my studying time. And happy birthday Ben! Sorry I can't come for your party, but I'm sure you had super lotsa fun! Next time I'll K with you!

And today, nonton bioskop sama Gio, Ricky dan Kris. Mereka baru datang dari Indo Kamis lalu soalnya ortunya Gio mau checkup ama dokter Singapore. Akhirnya nonton spiderman 3 juga, udah lama banget nggak nonton bioskop lah. Lumayan juga, temenin mereka bertiga shopping, abis itu makan di Village. Aiy Kris masih ceria2 aja, ngomong ama gw juga ga masalah. Cuma gua banyak pikiran lah, jadinya nggak niat juga ngomong ama dia. Gio bilang gw harus sabar, kalo gw berdoa, pasti bisa tercapai. Yah begitu lah, bbrapa hari kdepan sekolah, kayaknya nggak bisa ketemu mereka lagi dah. Cuman udah seneng la kalo bisa ketemu kau satu sore aja. Kalo kau lagi baca ini, semoga kau terus ceria kayak tadi siang yah. Gw disini akan terus doain loe, setiap hari, setiap malam. EH dasar Giovanni babi, jagain dia yah. Jadi cici yang baik! Makasih deh :)

Sorry if any of you happened to be lost in translation, you can just ignore that paragraph if you don't understand yea. This coming week is the ELECTION WEEK! Ugh everyone's making giant posters and banners, while I've not been doing anything real BIG. Lotfatt's really tough. Every single one of them are capable and sociable. After looking at them, I don't think that I'm good enough for the council. Maybe I'll get in, but most probably I won't get thru the election stage. Well, at least I'm having fun being a candidate, and I STILL NEED ALL YOUR SUPPORT!

That's all for today! Goodnight to everyone! And God bless to you.